What Is Bokashi?

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Bokashi is an ancient, Far Eastern ‘practice’ that ferments food waste and converts it into a dynamic biofertilizer.

The bokashi practice is often referred to as bokashi composting, while ‘bokashi’ mostly implies the fermented waste bokashi composting produces. Bokashi bran, or a bokashi activator is a bioinoculant that ‘activates’ the bokashi process.

“…bokashi composting eliminates the worry of foul smells, flies, rodents and pathogens.”

Bioinoculants are materials where microbes live. Traditionally a type of bran, e.g. rice bran or wheat bran is used, but any organic material will work. RTO uses sun-cured alfalfa blended with a variety of whole grains and legumes.

Probiotic microbes lay dormant in the dried bioinoculant and activate when in contact with food waste. Once activated the microbes quickly and efficiently break down the waste.

Because of the anaerobic conditions and low pH, bokashi composting eliminates the worry of foul smells, flies, rodents and pathogens. And you can compost meat, bones and dairy!